Each match consists of four quarters of 8 minutes + the time of a hypothetical Sudden Death.
The timer stops during the 3-minute changeover at the end of each quarter.
The 1st player to win 3 QTS wins the match. If both players are tied at 2 QTs apiece, the 5th QT is played in a ‘Sudden Death’ format.
The ‘Sudden Death’ is a dramatic cliffhanger where the first player to win two consecutive points wins the match. Every point from the second point onwards is a match point during the Sudden Death.
There is no warm-up: Players enter the court and the match starts straight away
During the quarter, Players serve two points each : player A serves for two points, then player B serves for two points, then player A serves for two points again, etc.
As a major change designed to reduce down time and create more rallies, UTS players are allowed one-serve only per point : missing the serve results in losing the point.
Finally, the ‘No-Let’ rule during serve will be in effect.